Episode X.04: Cat and Thumper talk about toys, sports, and guns

Of course with the sixth world full of guns corporate security might talk about them. Cat and Thumper have a Bechdel test-passing conversation about stuffed animals, Urban Brawl (go St. Louis Slaughter!), and of course, weaponry.

All music by Deuce.

Episode links

Episode X.03: Micah and Cassandra talk about unionizing

We released the third extra episode of behind-the-scenes content, a discussion between Micah and Cassandra while they were still gainfully employed at EVO. Patreons at the Reliable Fixer level get access to this exclusive content.
Micah and Cassandra take a ride in an elevator, and talk about handling those uppity corporate workers and their so-called “rights”.

All music by Deuce.

Episode links

Episode X.10: Sexuality in the sixth world

The Burning Edge cast talks out of character about how sexuality has evolved into the Sixth World, or more importantly, how our primal needs haven’t changed in the future, just become more punk.

All music by Deuce.

Episode links

Episode X.02: Jean-Baptiste and Thumper talk about corporate parties, racing, and love

Releasing our Patreon-only content from behind the paywall.

A short behind-the-scenes episode of two of the characters talking in-character to get ready to record.

All music by Deuce.

Episode links

Episode X.09: SINs in the sixth world

Jeff and I had a quick discussion about SINs and how they work while getting ready to record a normal episode. Later, I had a similar conversation with Qwaar and Tempest. I thought the discussion was interesting enough to release into the world. This is a pretty short and unscripted talk about part of the Shadowrun world that affects everything, but that I imagine most people don’t think much about.
All music by Deuce.

Episode links